
Living with Atrial Fibrilation

Read Psalm 23

Do you have a verse you go to when you are distressed? I have several I repeat to myself in different situations to remind me to trust in God. But there is one I go to when I am feeling totally helpless. It is Psalm 23. I learned it in the King James Version when I was six years old. I memorized all the verses in order to receive my first Bible in Sunday School. It is so ingrained in my memory that I struggle with the words in the more modern translations. But the truth is the same.

A few days ago, I made a bad decision to have a large Diet Coke for lunch. I don’t consume caffeine, but recently I’d been falling into a trap of drinking caffeine several times a week. That excessive caffeine jolt to my body triggered a rather aggressive episode of A-Fib. It began just before dinner time and didn’t stop for 12 hours. It lasted all night. This was the worst one I had suffered with and there was nothing I could do but rest and pray.

In these situations, Psalm 23 comes to my mind. It is true that He “makes me to lie down in green pastures” (KJV) or “He lets me rest in green meadows.” (NLT) This is what happens when I give myself over to God’s care. It’s like resting in the arms of Jesus. Yes, I prayed for relief trusting that He works all things for good, for those who have been called according to His purpose.

After a sleepless night of waiting, God answered my prayer by restoring my heart to normal rhythm again. In the NLT version of Psalm 23, David writes “He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength.” (NLT) And this is truly what I felt. On Saturday morning my strength began to return. My body is still recovering and is more tired than usual, but I’m reminded that rest is necessary. Resting in green meadows and beside peaceful streams. “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.” (NLT) And He was with me throughout the night. He didn’t leave me alone in my suffering. And I have been comforted knowing “My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.” (NLT)

I am grateful and rejoicing in this new day the Lord has made.


I Thought It Would Be Easy, If…

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have.” Hebrews 13:5 NIV

“Let your conduct be free of covetousness; be content with what you have.” Hebrews 13:5 NKJV

During COVID shutdown in 2020, I devoted a lot of time to learning more about one of my hobbies–adult coloring. I subscribed to coloring channels on YouTube and followed people who were accomplished artists and colorists. I wanted to create finished pictures with the same depth and beauty as them. I couldn’t do it. Then I began paying attention to the tools they used. The brand of pencils and all the extra items they used. If only I could afford what they had…I got caught in coveting.

Many of the channels showed new coloring books with page by page flip-throughs. Or they’d show a picture they colored in these new books. I went to Amazon immediately and ordered the books! I thought it would be easy to color like them if I had the same book! My coloring books expanded to over 50 books. And then new colored pencils flooded the market. What a bargain! So I snatched those up as well after watching a review or seeing someone else create a pretty picture with them. None of these things made me a better colorist, they only depleted my bank account.

Today I have a closet filled with coloring supplies: books, pencils, markers, glitter glues, and more. Last year, I made a vision board around the word I chose for yearly focus. The word was content. On my vision board, I put little quotes, stickers, scripture verses, and thoughts. One of the things I wrote was “I believe God is teaching me how to live within my means – all things provided by Him as a gift. Learning to live simply with a grateful heart.” I am focusing on the truth that God is the Owner and I am the Manager.

The scripture verse above reminds me of the necessity of living without coveting what others have and what others can afford. I have more coloring books than I can ever finish in my lifetime and many colored pencils to choose from. I am grateful, and I am learning to color like me and enjoy the process.


Things of Old – Poetry for My Spirit

This Bible belonged to my grandfather. I never knew him because he died when my mother was only 6 years old, one year after my grandmother died when their wood stove exploded. Though I never knew either of my maternal grandparents, this Bible has seen years of wear and use. It was handed down to me by my mother. I wonder who read it before? Grandpa, Grandma, or my mother? I remember mom reading this Bible when she came to live with us.

This KJV was red letter, two columns and on different paper than our Bibles today are printed on. Now we have many versions as well. I remember as a child and young adult having only the King James Version Bible. All the old English use of “thee,” “thou,” and “henceforth” and verbs with “eth” suffixes. Yet, when I pick up my King James Version Bible and read it, the words are like poetry to my spirit.

"Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto the disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder." Matthew 26:36 KJV

My KJV Bible doesn’t look like my grandfather’s did, even though it has double columns and Jesus’ words in red. I miss the titles of Saint in front of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

I think it is time I used my King James Version for reading and my other versions for reference when something is unclear. I am thankful for the past that shaped me. I am living in a modern world, but some things are still the foundational roots and ought to not be forgotten. These are God’s words painstakingly written in secret to continue what Jesus started.


This Battle Belongs to God

Ephesians 6:10-11 NIV “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

I began this Monday diving deeper into the sermon message yesterday and writing notes in my Christian planner. Usually I begin with devotions and then writing a blog followed by social media. The sermon notes are usually written on Sunday afternoons. This sermon called me to think about it before attempting to make my own notes from those I jotted down in church. So, I enjoyed my cup of tea at my Bible study table/desk first today.

Now, I’m sitting with this white space calling me to fill it with inspirational thoughts for my faithful readers. My mind though is empty. Did my deep focus earlier attract the daggers of darkness to pierce me with uncertainty? Yes, I believe in spiritual attack. I believe Satan is alive and is currently doing his best to create confusion, doubt, and spread evil in this world.

And I believe there is spiritual warfare happening on my behalf! My greatest weapon is my faith. By holding the shield of faith, I can stop those daggers coming from the darkness. God is my refuge, my fortress, my strength. I abide in the shadow of His care and protection. I am His.

As these words form themselves, I feel my shield growing larger; I can almost hear the ping of the daggers meeting my shield and falling useless to the ground and disappearing. I am smiling. I am filled to overflowing with confidence in who God says I am.

I am free. I am loved. I am a daughter of the King. I am a princess. I am saved. I am walking in a world that is not my home, a pilgrim for Christ. I am not powerless, nor am I alone. The battle is God’s and I know He wins!


Balance Beside the Quiet Waters

“The LORD is my shepherd; I have what I need. He lets me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters. He renews my life; he leads me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:1-3 CSB

This year, I chose “balance” as the word to strive for in my life. Sometimes my scales are unevenly balanced. As an “elderly” person, a person with a lot of years behind her, a body that can’t do all it used to do, and a mind that is eternally focused, life can get out of whack. Unbalanced.

Rushing isn’t part of my daily activities now. I take time to sit and sip a cup of tea and observe the wildlife scurrying and flying unceasingly across the view God has provided. I am relaxing beside quiet waters.

The change was slow. Children left the home to start new lives of their own. Parents passed. Retirement. Caregiving. Then suddenly, I was alone. This transition was difficult. No longer was my life filled with activity, to-do lists, or need. I became a senior, a widow.

And then the day dawned when I moved from senior status to elderly. I look at other elderly people and my mind is sad because I recognize them as elderly. Yet, unless I look in a mirror, I don’t recognize myself as elderly. Living alone, I spend too much time with my thoughts.

So why did I choose balance? There are too many thoughts and actions revolving around me these days. Pleasing me. Adding a little happy into the many hours alone. I need more interaction with people instead of things. But I’m most comfortable alone. How did this introvert personality from years ago become more dominant in these elderly years? Is this natural? Do all of us as we reach that point of no return and prefer our own company?

If God created us to be in relationships, how do we achieve this as we become elderly? I don’t want to be the elderly person sitting alone in a chair and watching television for entertainment waiting to die. There is church on Sunday followed by lunch with my dear sister in Christ. There is small group one afternoon a week. There are two Skype sessions a week, one with a dear friend, one with a daughter. But is this enough?

Most times I think so. I have an active mind. I talk to people on the phone. I spend quality time with God. Which brings me back to the cup of tea next to me and the view playing out before me. My spot beside quiet waters. The green pasture I lie down in. And I realize God is bringing balance into my life. I simply need to accept this with grace and be content.