This and That

Routine, Bees Knees, and Trespassers

Waking each morning is a happy time. First thing I hear is my cat Templeton murmuring good morning. Not a full fledged meow, but a soft little burst of happiness. I smile, stretch and say “Good morning, Templeton. Good morning, Jesus.” And I begin a string of words thanking God for the night’s rest, the new day, and so many blessings. Sometimes the sky is still dark, but the smile on my face is real.

There is a routine. I suppose we all have our routines, but as I have aged, the routine is necessary. If my routine is disrupted, my day feels off. Why? I can only think it is due to needing to control something. The routine fits that category.

Templeton has accepted routine and he always waits patiently for me to finish this morning blog so he can get his daily brushing. Once he has his fresh water, and a full tummy, he will nap patiently beside me as he waits. We are both up in years now. He is my constant companion. He follows me from room to room throughout his waking hours. He naps more than me, only seeking his place of safe hiding when I leave the house. This is the cabinet beneath the sink in the bathroom I refer to as guest bathroom. This is where I put him, his brother and sister while I was moving. I closed the door to keep them safe. Templeton opened the cabinet and hid inside. Eventually I made one side into a bed for him. Four plus years later he still seeks out this bed when I’m gone, or when he needs isolation. Many times he has surprised a visitor using the bathroom and when I hear their little gasp, I know Templeton has poked his head out to see who is trespassing!

Routine. It is a comfort for me. If I lived in another era, I might call it the “bees knees.” When my routine is finished, I’m ready for whatever the day brings. My plans sometimes play out, but other times, God’s plans take preference. As I age, I become more protective of my morning routine. I suppose that is what the phrase “getting set in one’s ways” means. It’s okay. I have come to terms with my age and I’m learning to enjoy this season of life. Lifting my cup of Earl Grey tea and wishing you all a day to be happy with whatever stage of life you are in. Enjoy.

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