This and That

Ever Laughed So Hard You Were Thrown Out of a Store?

Am I mature? Sometimes I wonder, especially when I am with my friends. Something magical happens, as if pixie dust is sprinkled when friends are together–the kind that turns mature women into little girls. The laughter is spontaneous. It can even get friends banned from nice places like Hallmark or Build a Bear. Just ask my friends and family. In defense, Hallmark shouldn’t make such funny cards. How is one not to guffaw when reading a card which spelled out something like: “I was going to wish you a happy birthday, but my tongue got tangled in the beaters while making your cake!” Or having the woman in Build a Bear asking a group of women, “Do you prefer soft or hard?” I mean, really?

Women need best friends. As we age, we value the quality of a few best friends over the meaningless quantity. We tell our best friends the truth about our hurt, fear, troubles. We cry together as well as laugh. We can even sit in silence and not feel awkward. The relationships we build over the years are priceless.

I believe God brings people into our lives for a reason and a season. He also brings some together for deeper relationships that continue over season after season. Those are the friendships that are the best gifts of all.

Lifting my cup of tea and thanking God for the beautiful friendships I’ve experienced over the years. Those that have served their seasons, and especially those who continue to bless my life.

2 thoughts on “Ever Laughed So Hard You Were Thrown Out of a Store?

  1. I love this one. I remember times when a group of us laughed so hard we cried. Then, with just a slight giggle, it would start all over again. Those were always special days and special memories.


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